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Snubbing unit is a hydraulic rig that can do everything a rig can do, plus it can perform under pressure in an under balanced live well state.

This is especially critical to the operators in the Haynesville Shale, which is known for HPHT wells. With the use of the snubbing units' hydraulic rotary, the unit can be employed for fishing, milling, drilling, side tracking or any task needed to remove bridge plugs, cement or deepen wells.




The industry has become more aware of damages caused by heavy kill weight fluids and mud.

This has helped make snubbing units more popular in a completion and workover role, versus its' traditional use as a well control response tool. With the advances in drilling technologies in the unconventional shale market, the benefits of snubbing units have become very apparent. These types of completions often have laterals extending out thousands of feet. With costly stimulation used to help extract the gas more efficiently.

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